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About G.F.C

Since 90's, “SHUVO ENTERPRISE” is the proud importer and official sole distributor of G.F.C. Fans in Bangladesh. G.F.C Fan has been recognized as the number one choice in terms of electric fans for consumers and pioneered in innovating quality products. Through it's four outlets situated in Dhaka, Shuvo Enterprise has been serving the customers with dignity and commitment. With continuous love and support, in 2013 Shuvo Enterprise and General Fan Company (Pvt.) Ltd. formed an independent Joint Venture Company in Bangladesh by the name of General Fan Company (BD) Ltd. to come up with quality product and service. Today, we pride ourselves for being one of the top quality electric fan importer, manufacturer, supplier and distributor in Bangladesh.
Corporate Office: Polwel Super Market, Naya Paltan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Corporate Office: +88 02 222222598, +88 02 48310518 Mobile: +8801841127846